Labor at home while safely being monitored by a Monitrice until it’s time to go to the hospital or birth center.

A monitrice is a not only a doula providing labor support to birthing couples, but she is a midwife with clinical expertise as well. For those planning a hospital birth, and desiring little to no intervention, its a good idea to labor at home for as long as possible. The monitrice can listen to the baby’s heart beat, perform cervical checks as needed, and even determine if your water has released, while still in the comfort of your home.

Your monitrice can help you decide if and when it’s time to go, at which point her role shifts to doula support. 

A doula provides labor support not only to the birthing person but to the partner as well. There can be many decisions to be made during labor and a doula can help, knowing your personal preferences as well as other options. She stays until after the baby is born.

Let’s connect! Feel free to contact me for more information, or to set up an interview.